Tagged: brandy

Brandy Alexander

In the mid-70’s, the BRANDY ALEXANDER was one of the most-ordered drinks at the downtown restaurant where I waitered. It’s been pushed aside by newer cocktails since then, but is still the brandy, creme, and creme de cacao cocktail it’s...

Pink Lady

There’s nothing really gender-specific about the PINK LADY. It’s pretty and pink, yes, and similar to a Clover Club. But, it’s stronger with a combination London dry gin and applejack brandy. Pomegranate-based grenadine is used to offset the tartness of...

North Garden

The NORTH GARDEN is a New York City-created Old-Fashioned variation that adds hints of peat from Scotch, notes of apple from apple brandy, and the familiar sweet character of bourbon to the mix. Garnish is not necessary, but sweetening with...


The SIDECAR is a sidekick to an old New Orleans drink dating back to the 1850’s, the Brandy Crusta. The Sidecar has enjoyed a comeback in recent years using a similar base formula of ingredients as the Brandy Crusta, but...