Category: Cognac / Brandy


This dark rum & brandy version of the BOLERO is fruity, yet complex. The proportions in the mix largely depends on your taste for dark rum (I prefer Myers’s Dark). My favored mix emphasizes the dark rum, but still has...

North Garden

The NORTH GARDEN is a New York City-created Old-Fashioned variation that adds hints of peat from Scotch, notes of apple from apple brandy, and the familiar sweet character of bourbon to the mix. Garnish is not necessary, but sweetening with...

Apricot Brandy Sour

A nice way to segue into Spring and Summer is with a citrusy APRICOT BRANDY SOUR. It’s a simple 2-ingredient mix once your sour mix is prepared. One can always of course buy a sour mix in the grocery store;...


The SIDECAR is a sidekick to an old New Orleans drink dating back to the 1850’s, the Brandy Crusta. The Sidecar has enjoyed a comeback in recent years using a similar base formula of ingredients as the Brandy Crusta, but...

French 75

If you’ve got champagne or Prosecco and gin handy, you can make the classic FRENCH 75 as a special New Year’s treat. It has herbal notes from the gin, and tartness from the lemon juice which is offset by sweetness...