Tagged: brandy


The SIDECAR is a sidekick to an old New Orleans drink dating back to the 1850’s, the Brandy Crusta. The Sidecar has enjoyed a comeback in recent years using a similar base formula of ingredients as the Brandy Crusta, but...

Jack Rose

The JACK ROSE is a lost classic from the 1910’s that for no particular reason was pushed aside by time. But the smooth blend of applejack, lemon juice and grenadine earns it a place in the cocktail rotation. And with...


The cocktail mix for a HOOPLA is any easy one to remember: Four ingredients, all equal parts. If you like tart, don’t rim the glass with sugar. Or if sweet works better for you, go ahead and rim the glass...

Keet’s Choice

As I go through the maze of cocktails which have been created either incidentally or methodically across the globe, it makes me think some people had too much time on their hands. The ingredients used are sometimes perfect, other times...

Brandy Sour

A BRANDY SOUR is a an ages-old alternative to the standard Whiskey Sour for those not fond of whiskey, or for those who seek the fruitier zest of brandy. Since brandy is produced by distilling wine or fermenting fruit juices...

Colonial Drinking – 1776

Beer, cider, rum, wine, brandy and whiskey: Those were the main options to a group of people who craved their alcoholic beverages. And although they far out-drank us, largely because drinking beer or wine for dinner was much more preferred...