Tagged: robroy

Rob Roy

The ROB ROY is the scotch version of the rye or bourbon Manhattan. It’s a classic that has survived the test of time and is a regular bar order for many. It’s easy to prepare at home. It requires either...


The HIGHLANDER is a flavorful whisky cocktail akin to the Rob Roy. It has many variations. My preferred recipe is adapted from the Campbell bar, NYC. It’s by far the easiest to make and simply shifts a Rob Roy from...

“Classic Cocktails Every Drinker Should Know”

One of the online drinking sites — Liquor.com — published recently its view of the top 24 cocktails which all drinkers should know (which is about as objective as deciding the top 24 songs of all time). Though I disagree...

Father’s Day Cocktails

Recommendations for Father’s Day cocktails (pictured above) are mostly well-known, tried & true. Two or three are less known. But, they’re all delicious, depending on dad’s preferences, and deliver enough punch to make it count. Categorized by spirit, they are:...