Dirty Martini

DIRTY MARTINI: A dry vodka or gin martini is one of the cleanest low-cal cocktails available. Vodka’s activated charcoal filtration system removes impurities and coloring, making it smooth and mellow. Olive lovers enjoy splashing olive juice or brine into the martini mix, making the vodka “dirty”. The ratio of olive juice to vodka or gin depends on the individual’s taste for olive strength in the drink. My recommendation is detailed below:
Requirements: Vodka or gin, extra dry vermouth, olive juice or brine from jar, cocktail olives.
- 3 oz. (2 jiggers) vodka
- 3/4 oz. olive juice
- splash of extra dry vermouth
Line the inside of a shaker with extra dry vermouth by shaking vermouth with ice and pouring out vermouth. Add vodka, olive juice and more ice if necessary. Shake vigorously until the shaker’s outside forms condensation. Pour into a martini glass and serve “up.” Garnish with 2-3 olives on a skewer.
Comments: Like the classic martini, use your best vodka. Unlike sugary fruit juices which can sometimes hide a “cheap” vodka, olive juice accents your existing vodka. Think of the olive juice as showcasing your vodka. Although the Dirty Martini is wonderful for any time or occasion, I particularly like it before a meal to clean the palate.
Dirty Gin Martini: Replace vodka with gin.
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