2022 Cocktail Roundup

Keet’s Cocktails (link below) posted thirty-five new and tested cocktails in 2022 as shown above. Those cocktails, posted from most recent to earliest in 2022, were the White Russian, Culross, Man o’ War, Americano, International, Corpse Reviver #2, Bensonhurst, French Martini, Scotch Cobbler, Martinez, Bittersweet Jack, Whiskey Smash, Honey Deuce, Paloma, Mikado, Aperol Spritz, Caneflower, Cadillac Margarita, Bahama Mama, Blue Train, Discovery Bay, Rum Swizzle, Espresso Martini, Bolero, Dirty Shirley, North Garden, Apricot Brandy Sour, Dubliner, Stiletto Manhattan, Batiste, Ward 8, Jameson Whiskey Sour, Italian Margarita, French 75 and Tequila Sunrise. You may find each cocktail recipe by going to my website and entering the name in the search bar.
Ten more posts revised the recipe proportions and the photography of previous posts.
The timing of each post is positioned as seasonably relevant as possible, with more amber-colored “harder” cocktails in the fall/winter months and lighter, fruitier cocktails in the spring/summer months.The more festive and sweeter drinks pop up around Christmas and New Year. (Obviously, one must drink the cocktails according to the appropriate season or illegal imbibers will be reported to the cocktail police.)
Silly jokes aside, each new cocktail requires at least an hour of “R&D” where recipes are taste-tested and history researched. Then, it takes another 4-5 hours to create original photography and text for each cocktail –which is why I can’t actually consume more than a tablespoon of each cocktail beforehand. Then I post and populate social media with variations of the same. I estimate that the cocktails above took at least 140 hours to generate after researching. Your subscriptions, comments, “likes” and interest are therefore greatly appreciated. (Clicks on Google-positioned advertising are even more appreciated in helping support the cause.)
Lastly, we lost our Keet’s Cocktails mascot in May — Ginger –who was a fun kitty companion on each photo session. She died of illness at age15. Her nosiness and my worry about her knocking over lights and cocktail glasses was one of her favorite “games”. She knew just what she was doing and kept me on my toes.

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