Black & Tan
The BLACK & TAN is a beer mix that layers a dark stout or porter over a lager or pale ale. It is classically made with Guinness Stout and Bass Ale, but can be substituted with other beers as long as the density of the lager/ale is heavy enough to withstand the usually lighter weight and density of the stout/porter. In Ireland, it’s more appropriate to call this a Half & Half, since “black & tan” originally referred to the uniforms of the often-cruel British paramilitary forces formed to suppress the Irish independence movement in 1920 and 1921.
Requirements: Lager (or pale ale) beer, stout (or porter) beer
Recipe for a pint (16-ounce) glass:
Pour 6-8 oz. of lager (or pale ale) into a chilled pint glass, leaving about 1/4 inch of foam at its top. Slowly pour 8 oz. of stout (or porter) over the lager using the back of a spoon or other contraption to distribute it. Maintain the stout’s “flooring” just above the lager to create a distinct separation between the two beers.
The Separation: You have to block and disperse the stout’s pour gently in order to prevent the two beers from mixing. Having a special Black & Tan spoon or strainer (as in the video above) helps. You can experiment with beers used: Some lagers and ales are less heavy than Bass Ale and some stouts and porters are heavier than Guinness, and you’ll notice the two might mix together during the pour. I’ve found it helpful to put both pre-refrigerated beers in a freezer for ten minutes before pouring. Make sure the lager has a quarter-inch head on it when poured.
Recommended Combinations: Guinness & Bass Ale, Guinness & Harp Lager (“Half and Half”), Murphy’s & Redhook (“Snapper”), Guinness & Champagne (“Black Velvet”), Guinness & Hard Cider (“Snakebite”), Guinness & Sam Adams Lager (“Patriot”), or Beamish & Abita Amber Lager (“Big Easy”).
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