When your go-to cocktail or glass of champagne is too anti-climactic for a New Year’s celebration, go to something more festive. Here are some cocktail suggestions as previously posted in Keet’s Cocktails to help you celebrate (click or tap on...
Here’s wishing everyone a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah, or both as they pertain! For cocktail recipe ideas, check out the tab for DAILY MIX/ Seasonal Sunday. https://keetscocktails.com/category/daily-recipe/seasonalsunday
In the mid-70’s, the BRANDY ALEXANDER was one of the most-ordered drinks at the downtown restaurant where I waitered. It’s been pushed aside by newer cocktails since then, but is still the same brandy-cream-creme de cacao cocktail it’s been since...
The KINGSTON COCKTAIL pairs Jamaican rum with coffee liqueur and, as with other Kahlua-type drinks, is especially enjoyable after dinner or on festive occasions. If using a dark Jamaican rum like Myers, the rum’s notes of caramel, chocolate and honey...
The CRANBERRY COOLER is a cranberry juice cocktail for whiskey lovers. Either bourbon or Canadian blended whiskey can be used. Some recipes call for equal parts Canadian whiskey and cranberry juice. The bourbon mix expands the whiskey proportion. My preferred...
The WHITE RUSSIAN had a resurgence in popularity from the 1998 movie The Big Lebowski in which Jeff Bridges’ character, the Dude, drinks a White Russian throughout. This delicious and decadent rocks drink is easy to prepare (see video demo...
The WINTER DAIQUIRI is a richer, fuller-flavored version of the ever popular classic daiquiri associated with warm weather. This particular recipe from mixologist Eden Laurin of the Chicago bar The Violet Hour substitutes the more common white rum with two...
The WALDORF cocktail hearkens back to the early 1900’s and gives the traditional rye Manhattan an absinthe accent. The original mix was very boozy with equal parts absinthe-rye-vermouth, but has been modified for today’s drinker by reducing the absinthe and...
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