Tagged: brandy

Morning Glory

The MORNING GLORY mix of choice is a delicious 1906 bourbon/brandy cocktail from Louis’ Mixed Drinks. The dominant flavors are from bourbon and brandy (or cognac), with balancing from maraschino liqueur and bitters. Absinthe is called for, but only as...

Brandy Alexander

In the mid-70’s, the BRANDY ALEXANDER was one of the most-ordered drinks at the downtown restaurant where I waitered. It’s been pushed aside by newer cocktails since then, but is still the same brandy-cream-creme de cacao cocktail it’s been since...


You may not get smarter drinking a HARVARD, but you might definitely think you’re smarter after one or two. The Harvard is a Manhattan-style brandy-based cocktail that originated about 1895. The two wine-based ingredients of brandy and sweet vermouth give...

Pink Lady

There’s nothing really gender-specific about the PINK LADY. It’s pretty and pink, yes, and similar to a Clover Club. But, it’s stronger with its combination London dry gin and applejack brandy. Pomegranate-based grenadine is used to offset the tartness of...

Mississippi Punch

Here’s a delicious individual or party-group cocktail: The MISSISSIPPI PUNCH. It’s deceptively smooth and easy to drink, but has the components to pack a punch. For that reason, you may stretch it out some with club soda, or not. The...

Scotch Cobbler

The SCOTCH COBBLER gets high marks for its taste, strength and simplicity. Scotch whisky combines with dashes of orange curacao, brandy and simple syrup directly into the drinking glass. A quick stir and you’re ready for an elevated Scotch experience...

North Garden

The NORTH GARDEN is a New York City-created Old-Fashioned variation that adds hints of peat from Scotch, notes of apple from apple brandy, and the familiar sweet character of bourbon to the mix. Garnish is not necessary, but sweetening with...