High Voltage

The HIGH VOLTAGE is a simple peach-flavored tequila cocktail, easily prepared in five minutes. It’s smooth and has a bit of everything going for it.
Requirements: tequila (silver preferred), peach schnapps, lime juice, peeled peach slice or lime wheel for garnish
- 3 oz. tequila
- 1 oz. peach schnapps
- .75 oz. fresh lime juice
Pour ingredients into an ice-filled shaker. Shake vigorously and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with either a peeled peach slice or lime wheel.
Comment: This drink gives tequila another chance beyond the party shots and margarita. It’s still got lime, but instead of the orange liqueur used in margarita, gives us peach liqueur. It’s a nice change of pace, especially when prepared like a martini. Use your best tequila. If you like sweet, you may use the standard formula which calls for 1.5 oz peach schnapps, i.e., two parts tequila to one part peach schnapps. (My preference is using good tequila, less schnapps.)
Similar cocktails:
Tequini — https://keetscocktails.com/tequini/
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