H2P Shot

The H2P SHOT is a toss-back layered shot drink. Just as tequila shots go down nicely with lime & salt, the H2P shot benefits by the sweet-bitter orange flavoring of Blue Curacao to smooth the rum. The layering effect is dependent on the upper layer having less specific gravity density than the Curacao — in this case, golden aged rum — and a gentle pour (see demo video below).
Requirements: Blue Curacao, either golden aged rum (El Dorado 12-year preferred) or E&J brandy, a larger-sized shot glass
Fill shot glass halfway with blue Curacao. Rest a bar spoon in the turned down position at the top of the Curacao line and gently pour the rum (or E&J brandy) over it so as to form a distinct layer of blue and gold. A lemon or orange peel garnish is optional.
Comments: The gold layer was successfully achieved using El Dorado 12-year aged rum and likewise with E&J Brandy. Other gold/amber liquors were tried unsuccessfully.
History: The H2P Shot was created April-2023 by Yours Truly in celebration of higher learning (symbolized by the Cathedral of Learning pictured above) at the University of Pittsburgh. With a daughter graduating in the class of 2023 at Pitt (4/29), the school’s Panther colors are honored in this mini-layered cocktail. It is named after the school’s acronym expression, “H2P”, or “Hail to Pitt.”
Special thanks go out to the team of Pitt students who bravely wore their Keet’s Cocktails tee shirts around campus.
Congratulations to graduating daughter Sophie who named and designed the Keet’s Cocktails logo from her Pitt dorm-room in Fall-2019 and made all her college friends follow the cocktail posts on social media.
YouTube Video Demonstration:
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