Category: Absinthe/Anise/Anisette

Morning Glory

The MORNING GLORY mix of choice is a delicious 1906 bourbon/brandy cocktail from Louis’ Mixed Drinks. The dominant flavors are from bourbon and brandy (or cognac), with balancing from maraschino liqueur and bitters. Absinthe is called for, but only as...

Morning Glory Fizz

The MORNING GLORY FIZZ is a Scotch-based drink originally conceived as a hangover recovery cocktail. With the froth of an egg white and fizz of soda water, it’s meant to be consumed quickly and not sit. Most recipes include pre-rinsing...

Absinthe Martini

The ABSINTHE MARTINI takes the classic gin martini and adds a touch of Absinthe, making it anise-fresh, icy-smooth and boozy. While strong, it goes down like a light digestive. The licorice flavor adds balance to the botanicals of gin. Requirements:...