Category: Throwback Thursday

Morning Glory

The MORNING GLORY mix of choice is a delicious 1906 bourbon/brandy cocktail from Louis’ Mixed Drinks. The dominant flavors are from bourbon and brandy (or cognac), with balancing from maraschino liqueur and bitters. Absinthe is called for, but only as...


From Harry Craddock and the Savoy Cocktail Book of 1930 comes the gin-based WEBSTER. It’s balanced, dry, slightly tart from the lime juice and has apricot tones from apricot brandy. Depending on personal preference and the apricot brandy used, it...

Applejack Rabbit

A good cocktail for the fall is the applejack-based APPLEJACK RABBIT. This full-flavored, multi-layered recipe is a dive into an orchard of fruits covered in a dash of maple syrup. It’s mixed with two common citrus ingredients, orange & lemon...


You may not get smarter drinking a HARVARD, but you might definitely think you’re smarter after one or two. The Harvard is a Manhattan-style brandy-based cocktail that originated about 1895. The two wine-based ingredients of brandy and sweet vermouth give...

Pink Lady

There’s nothing really gender-specific about the PINK LADY. It’s pretty and pink, yes, and similar to a Clover Club. But, it’s stronger with its combination London dry gin and applejack brandy. Pomegranate-based grenadine is used to offset the tartness of...

Gin Daisy

The GIN DAISY has two versions — an old-school and new-school. I favor the old-school recipe which sweetens lemon juice with orange liqueur. It maintains the classic lemony “Sour.” It’s refreshing, and is a great precursor to dinner. This simple...