For those with a taste for gin, the GIN GIMLET is a lighter alternative to a gin martini or Negroni. The taste and fragrance of cucumber make it particularly refreshing. Requirements: Gin, lime, cucumber, simple syrup 3 oz. (2 jiggers)...
An article was published a while ago about eight unhealthy cocktails to avoid. Contributed by Clara Hogan to, she names the following cocktails which are so rich in sugar and/or fat (from cream) that you’re not doing yourself any...
In Jack Finney’s 1970 novel, Time and Again, a man travels from current day New York City to the winter of 1882, NYC. He does so via a combination of extensive training of the manners, history and attitudes of the...
DIRTY MARTINI: A dry vodka or gin martini is one of the cleanest low-cal cocktails available. Vodka’s activated charcoal filtration system removes impurities and coloring, making it smooth and mellow. Olive lovers enjoy splashing olive juice or brine into the...
I’ve been an avid runner for years. I’ve always been intrigued by races that not only receive sponsorship from liquor companies, but who also serve it up as refreshment. This led me to running in the 4-mile Midnight Run in...
The law requires that American (largely Kentucky) bourbon consist of at least 51% corn; but it can be as high as 80-90%. The other components are rye, malted barley and wheat. Some of the traditional bourbons consisting of corn, rye...
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