Hot Toddy

Is there a sweeter, more innocent-sounding drink than a HOT TODDY? It sounds like a refreshment for a teddy bear. What could be nicer than someone offering you a Hot Toddy, especially if it’s a cold night or you’re coming down with a cold? And I’m sure that one day a study will be published which says that there really is nothing over the counter that can help you with a sore throat or congestion, and that the only two things that work are hot chicken noodle soup and a Hot Toddy. Many Hot Toddys. In fact, if you’re having many Hot Toddys, it’s probably best that you don’t go to the pharmacy for anything other than Vitamin C and maybe bottled water for your Hot Toddys. Rumor has it that some antihistamines and Hot Toddys don’t get along.
Requirements: Whiskey or bourbon, fresh lemon, honey, cinnamon (optional).
- 1.5 oz. (1 jigger) bourbon or whiskey
- 1/2 lemon
- 1 teaspoon honey (1 tablespoon for sore throats)
- 4 oz. hot water
Heat water until boiling, then let sit while preparing drink. Squeeze juice from 1/2 lemon into mug or heated glassware and drop in the lemon peel. Add bourbon or blended whiskey and 1 teaspoon of honey. (Use a tablespoon of honey to soothe a sore throat.) Pour about 4 ounces of hot water into mug and stir until honey disappears into drink. Drop in a cinnamon stick as garnish or add a cinnamon sprinkle into drink (optional).
Comments: I’m undecided about my whiskey preference in the Hot Toddy. I play ring-around-the-whiskey, a jigger full of choices … between bourbon, blended Scotch, Irish whiskey and Canadian whiskey. Still, others enjoy Brandy or Rum. Your choice.
If you are inbibing the Hot Toddy as a comfortable winter warm-up — which it excels at — I’d use less lemon and only 1 teaspoon of honey. For a sore throat or hoarse voice, I’d make it more tart with a full half lemon and the tablespoon of honey to counteract.
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