Christmas Cocktail Roundup

The CHRISTMAS COCKTAIL can be one of three kinds: (1) a colorful semi-sweet regular cocktail, (2) a sweet dessert cocktail, or (3) something in-between. In the first category of semi-sweet regular cocktails, I’d suggest the popular Cosmopolitan, the Gold Rush (expanded version) and Sidecar. The more decadent but sweet delicious cocktails from category two would include the Espresso Martini, Chocolate Martini, Eggnog (healthy version), White Russian and Butterbeer. Somewhere in-between are the Pumpkin Bourbon Old-Fashioned and Fussfungle. Recipes for these are merrily posted at Keet’s Cocktails, linked below. (BTW, your click on a Google-placed ad at the website generates income for continuing my blog & the Keet’s Cocktails website — they’re safe. Thanks!)
Cosmopolitan —
Gold Rush (expanded) —
Sidecar —
Espresso Martini —
Chocolate Martini —
Eggnog (healthier version) —
White Russian —
Butterbeer —
Pumpkin Bourbon Old-Fashioned —
Fussfungle —
Comments: In my experience, the sweet decadent Christmas drinks sound festive and fun, but are too much sweetness for a holiday abundant with sweet treats at every turn. In an unscientific test, I served three cocktails at a couple of Christmas parties having more than 25 people: Cosmopolitan, Gold Rush (expanded, a.k.a. Chapel Hill), and a festive holiday cocktail containing Creme de Menthe, Peppermint Schnapps, & Vanilla Vodka. I ran out of the Cosmo, with women in particular having at least two. The Gold Rush bourbon drink also ran out and was loved by everyone, men and women. One person tried the festive Christmas cocktail. My conclusion (for this 35+ age group): People like to drink when they drink, not consume liquid candy.
That said, the dessert cocktails above are a huge step above & beyond liquid candy and are very special around the holidays. So, anything goes when it’s one of the drinks above. Happy holidays!
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